FSSAI Launches Extensive Food Safety Awareness Campaign in Delhi Markets

New Delhi: The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has initiated a comprehensive awareness and sensitization program targeting major markets in the national capital, in collaboration with the Food Safety Department, Delhi.

Commencing from the bustling Khan Market and INA Market in Delhi on April 8, 2024, the awareness campaign aims to highlight the detection and mitigation of pesticide residue and contaminants in food products, with a particular focus on fruits and vegetables.

Market associations and traders were actively engaged and educated on the detrimental effects of pesticide residue in food items, emphasizing the importance of regular testing. FSSAI introduced its innovative initiative, the “Food Safety on Wheel” mobile lab, equipped with rapid testing kits capable of detecting approximately 50 pesticide residues in various food matrices such as fruits, vegetables, milk, and cereals. These tests provide quick results, enabling prompt action to ensure food safety.

Traders were encouraged to utilize this resource for expedited testing, promoting the safety and quality of products sold in the market. Additionally, they were briefed on various aspects of food safety, including the necessity of obtaining FSSAI licenses or registration and strict adherence to food safety standards. Traders were urged to procure raw materials solely from FSSAI licensed/registered vendors to ensure traceability and compliance.

The event also underscored the importance of raw material testing to guarantee food safety and quality. Attendees were made aware of the hazards associated with artificial ripening and wax coating of fruits and vegetables using unapproved chemicals, while the role of organic farming in promoting food safety was emphasized. Information about the availability of food product testing laboratories in Delhi and nearby areas was also provided.

The campaign reiterated the collective responsibility of all stakeholders in ensuring food safety, with the mantra, “Food Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility.” FSSAI remains steadfast in its commitment to safeguarding public health by implementing robust food safety measures nationwide. Through initiatives like these, FSSAI aims to foster a healthier India, with every stakeholder playing a vital role in promoting food safety across the supply chain.

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)FSSAI