EPFO Records Highest Monthly Net Member Addition in December 2023

New Delhi: The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has reported a significant surge in its provisional payroll data for December 2023, with a net addition of 15.62 lakh members. This figure marks the highest monthly net member addition in the last three months, representing an 11.97% increase compared to November 2023.

The year-on-year analysis reveals a growth of 4.62% in net member additions compared to December 2022. Several factors contribute to this notable increase, including expanded employment opportunities, heightened awareness of employee benefits, and the effectiveness of EPFO’s outreach programs.

The data further highlights that approximately 8.41 lakh new members enrolled during December 2023, representing a 14.21% increase compared to November 2023. Notably, individuals in the 18-25 age group constitute a significant 57.18% of the total new members, indicating that a substantial portion of the organized workforce comprises young, first-time job seekers.

Around 12.02 lakh members exited and subsequently rejoined EPFO during December 2023, marking a 12.61% increase compared to November 2023. This phenomenon, the highest recorded in the past five months, signifies individuals switching jobs and choosing to transfer their accumulations rather than applying for final settlement, thereby securing long-term financial well-being and extending social security protection.

A gender-wise analysis reveals that out of the 8.41 lakh new members, approximately 2.09 lakh are new female members—the highest recorded addition of female workforce in the last three months. The surge in female member additions, a 7.57% increase compared to November 2023, signifies a positive trend towards building a more inclusive and diverse workforce.

In the state-wise analysis, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Haryana lead in net member additions, constituting around 58.33% of the total addition. Maharashtra stands out by adding 21.63% of net members during December 2023.

Examining industry-wise data, significant growth is observed in members working in establishments engaged in industries such as Iron and Steel, Building & Construction, and General Insurance. The expert services sector, including manpower suppliers, normal contractors, security services, and miscellaneous activities, contributes approximately 40.66% of the total net membership.

It’s important to note that the provided payroll data is provisional, as data generation is an ongoing process, with employee records continuously updated. Since April 2018, EPFO has been releasing monthly payroll data covering the period from September 2017 onwards. The count of members joining EPFO for the first time, existing members exiting, and those rejoining is considered to arrive at the net monthly payroll figure.

Employees' Provident Fund OrganisationEPFO