Empowering Consumers: Workshop on Effective Grievance Redressal Held in Lucknow

Lucknow:  In a collaborative effort, the Department of Consumer Affairs (DoCA), Government of India, joined hands with the Government of Uttar Pradesh and the State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission to organize a comprehensive workshop on “How to effectively address grievances of consumers in the present era” in Lucknow today.

The day-long workshop aimed to tackle critical consumer issues, spanning the financial and real estate sectors, medical negligence, online shopping, and more. Key discussions revolved around the role of consumer commissions in ensuring proper and effective redressal for these challenges.

Distinguished figures such as Justice Amreshwar Pratap Sahi, President NCDRC, Rohit Kumar Singh, Secretary Department of Consumer Affairs, and Justice Ashok Kumar, President SCDRC, were present at the workshop, along with Presidents and Members of various State and District Commissions.

Rohit Kumar Singh, Secretary, Department of Consumer Affairs, highlighted the four major mandates of the department, focusing on food inflation management, quality assurance through BIS, quantity assurance through legal metrology, and effective law enforcement to protect consumer interests. He shed light on recent initiatives addressing consumer rights, preventing the sale of unsafe goods online, and measures to combat deceptive practices.

The workshop emphasized the efforts of the Department for redressing consumer grievances at the pre-litigation stage through the National Consumer Helpline. Singh highlighted the integration of the helpline with various platforms, including WhatsApp, to address over 1 lakh grievances in 17 languages.

During the discussions, Justice Amreshwar Pratap Sahi stressed the need to adopt new technology for effective handling of consumer cases in the changing global scenario. He shared valuable insights into dealing with consumer grievances and addressing product liability issues.

Justice Ashok Kumar underscored the importance of the Consumer Protection Act 2019 in protecting consumer rights. He emphasized the need for hassle-free and speedy justice, especially for litigants from low-income groups. He highlighted the efforts of the Uttar Pradesh State Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission in achieving these goals.

The role of Consumer Commissions in reducing case pendency and ensuring effective grievance redressal was a focal point of the workshop. The National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission and the Uttar Pradesh State Consumer Commission showcased impressive disposal rates, with the UPSCDRC disposing of more cases than any other State Commission in the past two years.

Two panel discussions took place during the workshop, focusing on crucial aspects of consumer protection in finance, real estate, medical negligence, and online shopping. The participating Presidents and Members of State and District Commissions pledged to collaborate and strengthen consumer redressal mechanisms in their respective jurisdictions.

The Department of Consumer Affairs affirmed its commitment to continued collaboration with Consumer Commissions to ensure the effective implementation of consumer protection laws and initiatives for the betterment of consumers across the state and country.