Economic Survey 2023-24: Landmark Focus on Mental Health Marks a New Era in Policy Making

New Delhi: In a historic first, the Economic Survey 2023-24, presented in Parliament today by Union Finance and Corporate Affairs Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, extensively addresses the crucial issue of mental health. This comprehensive examination underscores mental health as a fundamental driver of both individual and national development, and offers significant policy recommendations to improve mental health services across India.

National Mental Health Prevalence and Challenges

The Survey highlights data from the National Mental Health Survey (NMHS) 2015-16, revealing that 10.6% of adults in India suffer from mental disorders, with treatment gaps ranging from 70% to 92% across different conditions. Urban metro areas report a higher prevalence of mental morbidity at 13.5% compared to rural areas (6.9%) and urban non-metro areas (4.3%). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated mental health issues among adolescents, with recent findings from the NCERT’s Mental Health and Well-being of School Students Survey indicating that 11% of students feel anxious, 14% experience extreme emotions, and 43% have mood swings.

Economic Impact of Mental Health Disorders

The Survey outlines the significant economic repercussions of mental health disorders, including productivity losses due to absenteeism, decreased efficiency, disability, and increased healthcare costs. It also notes that poverty exacerbates mental health issues by creating stressful living conditions, financial instability, and limited opportunities for upward mobility, contributing to heightened psychological distress.

Government Initiatives and Policies

The Economic Survey praises several key government initiatives aimed at improving mental health:

  • National Mental Health Programme: Over 1.73 lakh healthcare facilities have been upgraded to Ayushman Arogya Mandirs, offering mental health services.
  • National Tele Mental Health Programme: The program has established 53 Tele MANAS cells across 34 states and UTs, with over 1,600 trained counselors handling more than 8.07 lakh calls since October 2022.
  • Increasing Mental Health Personnel: 25 Centres of Excellence have been set up to enhance postgraduate training in mental health, and support has been provided to 19 government medical colleges and 22 AIIMS for strengthening mental health services.
  • Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram: Adolescent-friendly health clinics and peer education programs are being conducted nationwide.

The Survey also acknowledges state-level initiatives that complement national efforts to address mental health among children and adolescents.

Policy Recommendations

The Economic Survey presents several policy recommendations to enhance mental health care:

  • Increasing Mental Health Professionals: Efforts should be intensified to increase the number of psychiatrists from 0.75 per lakh population in 2021 to the WHO norm of 3 per lakh population.
  • Developing Comprehensive Guidelines: Guidelines for excellence centers should be developed in collaboration with mental health professionals and users.
  • Program Effectiveness Assessment: Feedback from users, professionals, and stakeholders should be gathered to assess and improve existing programs.
  • Promoting Peer Support and Community-Based Programs: Encouraging peer support networks and community-based rehabilitation programs can help in de-stigmatizing mental disorders.
  • NGO Partnerships: Collaborating with NGOs to scale up mental health initiatives, share knowledge, and leverage resources.
  • Involving Individuals with Personal Experience: Including individuals with mental health experiences in decision-making and advocacy to ensure person-centric care.
  • Early Sensitization and Standardization: Implementing mental health education at the preschool and Anganwadi levels, and standardizing guidelines across the government and private sectors.
  • Integrating Mental Health in Schools: Developing age-appropriate mental health curricula, promoting early intervention, and balancing technology use in schools.
  • Community Approach and Public Health Sensitization: Adopting a community-wide approach to mental health and addressing personal reluctance among public health officials.

The Economic Survey 2023-24 marks a pivotal moment in India’s approach to mental health, setting the stage for transformative changes in policy and practice that aim to enhance mental well-being across the nation.