DRI Seizes 4.9 Kg of Smuggled Gold Near Vedhalai Coast, Tamil Nadu

New Delhi: In a coordinated operation involving the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), Indian Coast Guard (ICG), and Customs Preventive Unit (CPU) Ramanathapuram, a significant seizure of 4.9 Kg of foreign-origin gold was made at mid-sea near Vedhalai coast, Mandapam in Tamil Nadu.

The operation was initiated based on specific intelligence developed by DRI officers indicating the smuggling of foreign-origin gold into India from Sri Lanka through the Vedhalai coast in Ramnathapuram District. Officers from DRI and ICG conducted surveillance over suspected fishing boats at the Vedhalai Coastal area near Mandapam on the night of April 3-4.

In the early hours of April 4, a suspected boat was identified at mid-sea, and it was intercepted by officers in an ICG vessel after a chase. Prior to interception, a consignment was observed being thrown into the sea by one of the individuals onboard the suspected boat.

Upon interrogation, the three persons onboard the country boat admitted that the thrown consignment contained foreign-origin gold smuggled from Sri Lanka, which was received at deep sea from a boat originating from Sri Lanka.

Subsequently, officers from CPU Ramanathapuram joined the operation, securing the location where the smuggled gold was discarded. After an extensive search operation at the sea bed, the smuggled gold, consisting of crude gold bars weighing 4.9 Kg and valued at Rs 3.43 Crore, was retrieved on the afternoon of April 5.

The seized gold, tightly packed in a towel, was thrown into the sea to evade detection. The DRI officers apprehended all three individuals involved in the smuggling operation, who are currently undergoing interrogation.