DoT Extends Deadline for Sangam: Digital Twin Initiative EoI Submissions

New Delhi:  The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has announced the extension of the deadline for submissions of Expressions of Interest (EoI) for the Sangam: Digital Twin Initiative, responding to the overwhelming interest from various stakeholders. The new deadline is set for April 5.

Launched on February 15 this year, the Sangam initiative aims to revolutionize infrastructure planning and design by leveraging advanced technologies and collective intelligence. The initiative garnered significant attention from industry leaders, startups, MSMEs, academia, and innovators since its inception.

In a bid to ensure maximum participation and inclusivity, the DoT organized a series of informative and interactive outreach programs across key cities such as Delhi, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad. These events saw participation from more than 30 organizations, both government and private, presenting their capabilities and indicating their interest in the initiative.

The dedicated website for the Sangam: Digital Twin Initiative has witnessed substantial engagement, with over 950 individuals and organizations pre-registering to stay informed about the initiative. Additionally, approximately 500 attendees actively participated in the outreach programs, underlining the significant interest and enthusiasm surrounding the initiative.

Recognizing the importance of providing ample time for interested parties to prepare and submit their proposals, the DoT decided to extend the deadline for EoI submissions. This extension offers stakeholders across various sectors a greater opportunity to engage with the Sangam initiative and contribute innovative ideas towards shaping the future of infrastructure development in India.

Interested parties are encouraged to visit the Sangam website to learn more about the initiative, pre-register, and access resources to support their EoI submissions.

The Sangam: Digital Twin Initiative represents a collaborative effort to harness the power of technology and collective intelligence for sustainable and efficient infrastructure solutions. The DoT eagerly awaits diverse and innovative proposals as it continues its efforts towards planning and designing future-ready infrastructure for India.

Department of Telecommunications (DOT)Expressions of Interest (EoI)Sangam: Digital Twin Initiative