Debrigarh Abhinandan: New Program to Foster Environmental and Wildlife Conservation in Schools and Villages

Debrigarh: In a landmark initiative, the Debrigarh Sanctuary authorities have inaugurated the “Debrigarh Abhinandan” program, a comprehensive nature education program aimed at fostering environmental and wildlife conservation awareness among school children and local communities. The inauguration ceremony took place at Belbahali and Khajuria Schools, with the presence of 100 students and teachers.

This year-long program will cover 36 schools and 48 fringe villages surrounding the Debrigarh Sanctuary. It aims to educate the next generation about the importance of wildlife and environmental conservation through a variety of engaging activities. These include field visits, the selection of young volunteers to serve as ambassadors for Debrigarh, and curriculum-based learning on topics such as forest ecosystems, wildlife, and the services they provide.

The program has been launched in collaboration with the education wing of the district and local Eco Development Committees (EDCs). It provides an opportunity for teachers to deepen their understanding of wildlife conservation and to educate their students about the history, habits, and habitats of the Debrigarh Sanctuary. Additionally, it aims to raise awareness among the local population about how to manage man-animal conflicts when animals stray out of the sanctuary.

All 36 schools in the 48 villages will participate in various competitions, such as drawing and quiz contests, discussions, and movie shows. At the inauguration, students participated in a drawing competition on the theme “Wildlife of Debrigarh,” where they depicted various animals and forest scenes.

To support the program, large display boards featuring images of common animals and birds of the Debrigarh Sanctuary, along with information about the sanctuary and the Hirakud wetland, will be installed in all 36 schools. So far, display boards have been installed in 24 schools.

Over the past two years, a series of meetings and workshops have been conducted with the EDCs in all 48 villages. These sessions have focused on engaging the local community in wildlife protection efforts, including the installation of solar street lights, distribution of torch lights, and the formation of protection squads. These initiatives, along with movie shows and posters, have helped raise awareness about the sanctuary among residents.

The “Debrigarh Abhinandan” program aims to build a positive relationship between the sanctuary management and the local communities who depend on the sanctuary. By educating the younger generation and involving them in conservation efforts, the program seeks to ensure the long-term protection of the Debrigarh Sanctuary while fostering a sense of stewardship among the local population.

Debrigarh AbhinandanDebrigarh Sanctuary