CSIR Unveils India’s Largest Climate Clock to Mark Earth Day

New Delhi: In commemoration of Earth Day, the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) unveiled and activated India’s largest Climate Clock on the CSIR Headquarters Building in Rafi Marg, New Delhi. The event serves as a poignant reminder of CSIR’s commitment to raising awareness about climate change and its adverse impacts.

The inauguration ceremony witnessed distinguished speakers emphasizing the urgency of addressing climate change and advocating for increased energy literacy among citizens. Prof. Chetan Singh Solanki from IIT Bombay and Founder of the Energy Swaraj Foundation stressed the imperative for every individual to cultivate energy literacy. He urged citizens to take proactive measures to reduce energy consumption and minimize their carbon footprint.

Dr. Shailesh Nayak, Former Secretary of the Ministry of Earth Sciences and Director of the National Institute of Advanced Studies, delivered the CSIR AMRIT Lecture on “Unravelling the Secrets of Triggered Earthquakes: The Lighthouse Project of Scientific Drilling in Koyna.” The CSIR Accelerating Modern Research, Innovations, and Technologies (AMRIT) Lecture Series aims to glean insights from India’s foremost scientific leaders to guide actions by research and development organizations, particularly CSIR.

Addressing the audience, Dr. N Kalaiselvi, Director General of CSIR, underscored the significance of Earth Day as a call to safeguard the environment. She highlighted the collaborative efforts between CSIR and the Energy Swaraj Foundation, culminating in the Energy Literacy Training program for CSIR scientists and staff. Dr. Kalaiselvi also noted the widespread installation of climate clocks across various CSIR labs as part of this initiative.

Climate ClockCouncil of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)