Crackdown on Adulteration: 83 Petrol Pumps in Odisha Face Charges, Fines Worth Rs 10.66 Lakhs Imposed

Bhubaneswar: The Food Supplies & Consumer Welfare Minister, Atanu Sabyasachi Nayak, disclosed in the Odisha Assembly on Wednesday that 83 cases have been registered against petrol pumps in the state for discrepancies in weight measurement. A substantial sum of Rs 10,66,000 has been collected in fines as a result of raids conducted during the financial years 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23.

In response to a query from Remuna MLA Sudhanshu Sekhar Parida, Minister Nayak highlighted the stringent measures being taken by oil marketing companies to combat adulteration at filling stations across the state. Oil companies routinely assess the quality of petrol and diesel, as well as weight measurements, at retail filling stations on a quarterly basis. If irregularities are identified, samples are collected and sent to laboratories for further analysis.

Minister Nayak emphasized that Multi-Disciplinary Teams, comprised of officers from various departments, conduct surprise raids at retailers and filling stations regularly. Additionally, the Quality Assurance Cell and Vigilance of PSU Oil Marketing Companies carry out surprise checks to ensure compliance.

Mobile laboratories of oil companies collect oil samples monthly for testing purposes, and joint surprise checks at fuel filling stations are conducted by three oil marketing companies: IOC, BPC, and HPC.

In the event of any complaints related to adulteration, officers from oil companies promptly conduct thorough investigations to maintain the integrity of the fuel supply chain.