Chief Secretary Manoj Ahuja Visits Kalinga Stadium Sports Complex to Assess Facilities and Engage with Athletes

Bhubaneswar: Chief Secretary Manoj Ahuja, accompanied by Principal Secretary of the Sports & Youth Services Department Bhaskar Jyoti Sarma, undertook a comprehensive tour of the Kalinga Stadium Sports Complex today. The visit aimed to review the various sports facilities and engage directly with athletes and coaches.

During the visit, Chief Secretary Ahuja explored several key facilities, including the Indoor Athletics Centre, Football Stadium, Weightlifting Centre, Gymnastics Centre, Aquatic Centres, Hockey High Performance Centre, Hockey Stadium, and Badminton High Performance Centre. He also made a stop at the Sports Science Centre to gain insights into the scientific support provided to athletes.

In his interactions with athletes and coaches, Chief Secretary Ahuja gathered valuable feedback on their training processes and experiences. He was briefed on the ongoing High Performance Centre Programs designed to enhance athletes’ performance and overall well-being.

Expressing his appreciation for the state-of-the-art facilities, Chief Secretary Ahuja reaffirmed the government’s commitment to supporting athletes. “Our goal is to provide the best possible facilities and support to our athletes, ensuring they can compete at the highest levels and bring glory to our nation,” Ahuja stated.

Kalinga Stadium Sports Complex