Auroville Exposure Tour Inspires Students in Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat Programme

Auroville: As part of the Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat (EBSB) programme, students participating in the Auroville Exposure Tour delved into the essence of Auroville’s prosperity and explored the Pondicherry Ashram on the fourth day of their enriching journey. The initiative, spearheaded by the Ministry of Education, aims to connect students with the cultural and educational themes under the National Education Policy (NEP), G-20 Leaders’ Declaration, and Shri Aurobindo’s 150th Birth Anniversary.

During their visit to Auroville, students were guided through key units focusing on well-being, paper, food products, and probiotics. Interactive sessions with the founders provided valuable insights into the intricate processes behind globally acclaimed products. The founders shared their inspiring journeys to Auroville, highlighting challenges and impactful achievements, mirroring the transformative journey of Auroville itself.

The students, drawing parallels between their diverse experiences, gained a holistic perspective on the interconnected initiatives within Auroville. The exploration of these units symbolized progress and showcased Auroville’s commitment to contributing to the greater good, aligning with the vision of Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat.

A visit to the Pondicherry Ashram offered students a captivating glimpse into ashram life. Engaging interactions with ashram residents provided valuable insights into the philosophy, organizational structure, and the unique education system, including a focus on physical education. The day concluded with a visit to the samadhi, a meditation session on the playground, and a delightful dinner at the Ashram.

The cultural evening featured mesmerizing performances by students from participating universities, adding a vibrant touch to the immersive programme. Participants reflected on the intense learning experience, expressing gratitude for the exposure to impactful actions on both personal and campus levels.

The Ministry of Education initiated the Auroville Exposure Tour to underscore the relevance of educational-cum-cultural tours to the outlined themes. Union Minister for Education and Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Shri Dharmendra Pradhan’s suggestion to introduce the Aurobindo circuit under EBSB inspired the initiative. The focus is on exposing youth to spirituality, Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy, and the practical implementation of integral education, with Auroville serving as a unique experiment towards that end. The Auroville Foundation, an autonomous organization of the Ministry of Education, is organizing the programme, providing students with a transformative and enriching experience.

Auroville Exposure TourEk Bharat Shrestha BharatPondicherry AshramShri Aurobindo's 150th Birth Anniversary