Apurva Chandra Delivers Concluding Remarks at 77th World Health Assembly

Geneva: Apurva Chandra, Secretary of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, delivered the concluding remarks to the plenary at the 77th World Health Assembly yesterday. As the Chair of Committee A, Chandra presented a comprehensive report on the committee’s work over the past six days, highlighting the intense agenda and rich discussions that culminated in decisions set to shape the future of global health.

In his address, Chandra emphasized the pivotal role of Committee A in tackling the Fourteenth General Programme of Work for 2025–2028. This program, the first in the post-COVID era, establishes a robust health agenda for the next four years. “We debated its resourcing and sustainable financing through increased assessed contributions and the WHO investment round, pushing the boundaries to ensure we have the means to achieve our goals. We also applauded WHO’s vast work in emergencies and had long debates from early morning to late evening to consider an unprecedented set of health and technical issues,” Chandra stated.

Committee A recognized the outstanding efforts of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body in developing the Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Accord, as well as the Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations. The revision of these regulations marks a significant milestone. “This is a further step towards equity and the creation of an umbrella of solidarity that will help protect the world from future pandemic threats. This is a gift to our children and grandchildren,” Chandra remarked.

Highlighting the constructive discussions, extended evening sessions, and extensive consultations that took place during the assembly, Chandra noted, “We worked hard towards our common goal, finding solutions that moved our agenda forward with a spirit of understanding. Inspired by the theme ‘Health for All, All for Health,’ we worked as one family, what we call Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam in India – the world is one family.”

Chandra reported that Committee A had steered the agenda to achieve its objectives, with almost 600 statements made in total. The committee approved nine resolutions and three decisions, and considered and noted 24 reports on technical matters. “With almost 600 statements in total, we managed to steer the agenda to achieve our objectives, setting our roadmap for the future,” he stated.

In concluding his remarks, Chandra expressed gratitude to the dignitaries and the WHO Secretariat for their tireless efforts in meeting member states’ expectations. “It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as Chair of Committee A. I wish to thank you for electing me to this role and for the trust that you put in me as Chair,” he said.

77th World Health Assembly