Amit Shah Reviews Multi Agency Centre’s Operations to Enhance National Security

New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah presided over a crucial high-level meeting in New Delhi today to review the operations of the Multi Agency Centre (MAC) of the Intelligence Bureau (IB), which plays a pivotal role in addressing the country’s security challenges. The meeting was attended by heads of various security, law enforcement, intelligence, and enforcement agencies from across the nation.

Addressing the meeting, Home Minister Shah emphasized the need for a comprehensive, whole-of-government approach to national security. He called for greater synergy among the diverse security and intelligence agencies to effectively dismantle terror networks and their supporting ecosystems, addressing the evolving security threats faced by the country.

“To tackle the complex and dynamic security landscape, it is imperative that all agencies collaborate seamlessly,” said Home Minister Shah. He stressed the importance of the MAC evolving into a cohesive platform that integrates all law enforcement, anti-drug, cyber security, and intelligence agencies, facilitating decisive and prompt action.

He underscored the trust that MAC has earned among its stakeholders and reiterated the need for it to operate around the clock. “MAC must continue to function as a proactive platform for real-time sharing of actionable intelligence among various stakeholders, including last-mile responders,” he stated.

During the review, the Home Minister advocated for the formation of a team of young, technically adept officers from all national security agencies. This team will leverage Big Data and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) technologies to dismantle terror ecosystems and respond effectively to new and emerging security challenges. “We must stay ahead of potential threats through advanced technological solutions and analytics,” he added.

The Home Minister also announced that under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the MAC framework is set for a significant technical and operational overhaul. This revamp aims to enhance the centre’s reach and effectiveness in countering national security threats. He urged all stakeholders to support these efforts with prompt responses and vigorous follow-up on shared intelligence.

National Security